⚠ Caution ⚠

These articles are still a work in progress
Expect missing information and small articles


Within our universe, there exists Matter and Antimatter. These two foundations for existence completely oppose each-other. Matter and Antimatter naturally wish to annihilate each-other from existence, this is the raw primal urge that plagues this universe. Despite this, one could not exist without the other.

Unfortunately, Not all things are equal. Due to certain circumstances, the universe is composed almost entirely of Matter. Antimatter has been left in a state in which it cannot naturally fight back. What remains of Antimatter lives safely within The TOTH. Which is located in the centre of the universe.

There are beings in this universe with the ability to generate and manipulate these foundations of reality. For every Celestial Body that exists within this universe. There exists a God waiting to be born.

TOTH Is the fictional universe that I have created. It currently does not have any specific way to be consumed. This page should serve as a psuedo substitute to that.

Chances are if I ever create an original piece of media it probably has something to do with this. Most prominently of all is Music. I've created countless tracks specifically representing Characters, Places and Events.

TOTH Has had multiple attempted comics be made for it but have each been discontinued due to dissatisfaction.