The TOTH is a dimension that exists within the centre of the universe. This dimension is entered through a gateway made out of Vesilium.
Within the dimension exists pretty much the entirety of all Antimatter in existence. The TOTH acts very similarly to The Universe. Having planets, stars and galaxies. The quantity of which however is marginally fewer. The majority of life within the TOTH are Antites. Which are created within the Incubator.
One notable difference is the birth of gods. Due to there simply not being enough planets to generate the souls, they are mostly generated using a different manner. That being done within The Incubator.
The Incubator is an enormous tower which exists inside The TOTH. It's appearance is that of a sword being lodged into the ground. The sole purpose of The Incubator is to birth antites through an agonising trial and error process.
The first stage involves bodies from beings that live within The TOTH being placed within The Incubator. These bodies are chopped and put back together in random combinations.
During the second stage. A god soul is taken from the repertoire of souls that The Incubator generates. And is placed within these amalgamated bodies.
The third stage involves testing the new being that is created. 9/10 times the being created is a failure. Having bad motor function or intelligence. These are discarded by being thrown out of The TOTH and waiting for their demise. Once death has occurred. The soul will return to The Incubator so that the process may start once again.